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Jacques Robert Christiaan Hoboken

1911 - 1943  (32 jaar)

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Generatie: 1

  1. 1.  Jacques Robert Christiaan Hoboken is geboren op 10 apr 1911 in Cannes; is gestorven op 23 nov 1943.

    Andere gebeurtenis soorten en attributen:

    • Beroep: piloot


    Geboren te Cannes, Frankrijk, op 10 april 1911. Omgekomen boven Duitsland op 23 november 1943 en begraven op het Oorlogskerkhof van Durnbach (Duitsland).

    Distinguished Flying Cross (GB)

    19 november 1943

    Flying Officer, R.A.F.V.R. (131136), R.A.F. no. 106 Squadron

    Cited with Sergeant C.E.G. Lucas, R.A.F.

    This officer and airman were pilot and flight engineer respectively, of an aircraft which attacked Kassel one night in October, 1943. Soon after leaving the target area, the bomber was hit by a burst of gunfire from a fighter. Flying Officer Hoboken, Sergeant Lucas and other members of the crew were wounded and the aircraft sustained damage. A few minutes later, a second attack developed. The bomber was hit again and both turrets rendedered unserviceable. Nevertheless Flying Officer Hoboken manoeuvred his aircraft with consummate skill and succeeded in flying clear. The situation was serious, however, as the bomber was badly crippled and 5 of the crew were wounded. In spite of this, course was set for this country. Displaying superb skill, Flying Officer Hoboken battled on to reach an airfield. During the return flight, Sergeant Lucas, although wounded, fulfilled his engineering tasks with great ability, rendering valuable assistance. In circumstances fraught with great danger this officer and airman displayed courage, resolution and devotion to duty of the highest order.

Generatie: 2